Python Courses

    1. Introduction to the Python language
    2. Install Python on your computer
    3. IDE Editor for Python
    4. First Python program
    5. Python Variables
    6. Python Comments
    7. Basic Operators in Python
    8. Python Functions
    9. The selective structure If else...
    10. For Loop Statement in Python
    11. Pass Instruction
    12. String Variable in Python
    13. Python Lists
    14. Python Tuples
    15. Python Dictionary
    16. Python Sets
    17. Python General Data Structure
    18. Python modules
    19. Introduction to Python Object-Oriented programming OOP
    20. Classes and Objects in Python OOP
    21. Python Inheritance
    22. Python Exception: Try Except
    23. The pip package manager
    1. Open File In Read Mode
    2. Open File In Write Mode
    3. The .ini configuration files
    4. JSON File In Python
  1. Create your own module
  2. The OS Module
  3. The Python Platforme Module
  4. Web scraping BeautifulSoup Module
  5. The Pillow Image Module
  6. The Sys Module
  7. The configparser module
  8. The Virtualenv environnement
  9. Python Matplotlib module
  1. First Window with GUI Tkinter
  2. Tkinter Button Widget
  3. Tkinter Label Widget
  4. Tkinter Entry Input widget
  5. The Frame Tkinter Widget
  1. First PyQt5 App
  2. The QLabel PyQt5 Wideget
  3. The QPush Button Widget PyQt5
  4. QLineEdit Input Text In PyQt
  5. QGridLayout Manager In PyQt5
  6. Mini App Python PyQt5
  7. Image with PyQt - QPixmap Class
  8. Menu With QMenuBar PyQt5
  9. The QMainWindow PyQt5
  10. The QTableWidget PyQt5
  1. Install Kivy Framework
  2. Using Kivy Label Widget
  1. Introduction To Django Framework
  2. Install Django Framework
  3. First Django Project
  4. Django Administrator Interface
  5. Django App
  6. Django Models
  7. Django Template
  8. Django Model Form
  9. Django Static Files
  10. Django Upload Files
  11. Django Pagination
  12. Django Authentication System
  13. Django Generic Views & CRUD App
  14. Django Practice: Creating a blog
  15. Deploy a django app on Heroku
  1. How To Use Git - Github
  2. Deploy Project On Heroku
  3. Deploy Django On Pythonanywhere
  1. Python source code
  2. Computer Glossary
  1. The Python Numpy Library
  2. Python Matplotlib module
  3. The Python Sympy Library
  4. The Python Pandas Library
  5. The Python Scikit Learn Library
  6. The Python Scipy Library
  7. The Python Machine Learning
  8. The Python TensorFlow Library