Python GUI Tkinter Exercises With Solutions

Exercise 194 || Solution

Write a program that asks the user to type  a word and return him its reverse without using any predefined function .
Example if the user enters the word python, the program returns nohtyp to him as shown in the figure below:


Exercise 195 || Solution

Create a graphical application in Python Tkinter that asks the user to enter an integer N and displays them the value of the sum "1 + 2 + ... + N" as shown in the figure below:

Exercise 196 || Solution

Write a program in Python that displays a window to the user that asks them to enter an integer N and displays its factorial N !, as shown in the figure below:


Exercise 197 || Solution

Create a graphical application in Python Tkinter that asks the user to enter two integers and displays their sum as shown in the figure below:



Exercise 198 || Solution

Create a graphical application with Python Tkinter which tests whether a given integer is a perfect square or not as shown in the figure below:


Exercise 199 || Solution

Create a Python program using the Tkinter library, which displays a dialog box that ask user to type his name and display a dialog box asking him to enter his name and displays the welcome message followed by his name as shown in the figure below.


Exercise 200 || Solution

the Tkinter Python library, write a Python program that displays a
dialog box asking the user to enter an integer and return its double: 

Exercise 201 || Solution

  1. Write a program in Python that lists all divisors of a given integer N.
  2. Create a program in Python that which a Tkinter window asking the user to enter an integer N and returns all the divisors of N.


 Exercise 202  ||  Solution

Create a Tkinter GUI interface, which calculates the greatest common divisor GCD and the least common multiple LCM graphically as shown in the figure below:


Exercise 203

Using the Tkinter Python library, write a Python program that displays a dialog asking the user to enter their name and their age and return the message as showing in the figure below:
- Hello followed by his name
- You are major ! age if the age entered is > = 18
- You are minor ! if the age entered is > 18


Exercise 204 || Solution

Develop a Python program utilizing the Tkinter library, prompting users to input text content into a designated text area, T1. In this program, users specify an occurrence, occ1, which they wish to replace with another occurrence, occ2, within the text entered in T1. The updated text is then presented in the T2 text area, as illustrated in the figure bellow:

replace occurrences in python tkinter project



Younes   Derfoufi