Exercise 194
Write a program that asks the user to type a word and return him its reverse without using any predefined function . Example if the user enters the word python, the program returns nohtyp to him as shown in the figure below:

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def action():
word = entryWord.get()
# initialise the reversed word
reversed_word = ""
for x in word:
reversed_word = x + reversed_word
lblResult['text'] = reversed_word
# Create label and entry word
lblWord = Label(root , text ='Enter a word : ')
lblWord.place( x = 20 , y = 20 )
entryWord = Entry(root )
entryWord.place( x = 150 , y = 20 , width = 225 , height = 25)
# create a label to display result
lblResult = Label(root , text = "result .......")
lblResult.place( x = 150 , y = 60)
# Create a button to perform action
btnAction = Button(root , text = "Validate" , command = action)
btnAction.place( x = 150 , y = 100 , width = 225 , height = 30 )
Younes Derfoufi