
Exercise 81

Write a Python algorithm as function which takes as parameter a string s and that return the dictionary whose keys are the words that making up the string s and whose values are the number of occurrences of words within the string Text s. Example: if s = "I use Python for datascience but I don't use Python for mobile", the algorithm returns the dictionary:

d = {'I': 2, 'use': 2, 'Python': 2, 'for': 2, 'datascience': 1, 'but': 1, "don't": 1, 'mobile': 1}


def wordOccurrence(s):

# initializing the dictionary that we want to obtain
d = dict({})

# convrting the the string s into a list
listWords = s.split()

# iterate over all word in listWords
# and adding the number of occurrences of all word to the dictionary d
for word in listWords:
d[word] = listWords.count(word)

return d

# Example
s = "I use Python for datascience but I don't use Python for mobile"
# the output is :
#{'I': 2, 'use': 2, 'Python': 2, 'for': 2, 'datascience': 1, 'but': 1, "don't": 1, 'mobile': 1}

Younes Derfoufi

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