Ask any training providers they will tell you theoretical training is fading away. To adopt information users are looking for the luxury of a practical encounter with the subject. It's quite clear that rote memorization of facts and formulas are often forgotten almost immediately after the course is completed. Virtual which involves self-paced & hands-on learning engages trainees ensuring that information is retained as opposed to temporarily memorized and forgotten. This allows trainees to execute what they have learned into the workplace right away.

Moreover, Training organizations are benefiting from the cloud-based training platform as they reduce training expenses, allow instructors to remotely monitor the development of all the trainees, and allows trainees to use the facilities both before the course begins and after its completed.

That said everything needs a reality check and same applies to Virtual Training labs. Are they really worth the hype? To find out the truth let's look at some of the key points which will help you understand the reality.

They Are Worth Gold!

Cloud-based training is becoming popular among training organizations all over the globe and is replacing the conventional labs.

These labs drastically reduce training expenses, cut the infrastructure costs and provide users with all important hands-on experience. When it comes to the Virtual labs, the vast number of training organizations feels value addition, resulting in shift to cloud-based training labs to provide regular training sessions.

Cloud-based training labs provide the users with a virtual environment where they can join and gain valuable experience. It also provides them the opportunity to go back and view the training whenever they need so that they can learn even more from it.

There are several key components when it comes to virtual training. These labs enable users to access isolated training lab environments that allow them to learn at their pace.

Cost Effective

Ask any training organization and they will tell you the biggest challenge they face today is the expenses in regards to deliver training. Cloud-based labs changes this scenarios and allows Training organizations to save money on training cost, while at the same time providing more engaging and effective training for users. As the use of virtual labs is through web based access, no additional software is required to be installed.

All the necessary things are hosted by the provider, meaning the cost of setting up, building and managing your own hardware is eliminated. Using virtual labs also makes the rental of expensive computer labs and space needless - users can login using cloud labs to complete their training anywhere, anytime. Training organizations also have the Pay-as-you-go option where the payment is charged on the usage basis.

Self-paced learning

By deploying a cloud-based IT lab, training organizations can provide users with a board range of self-paced materials. Virtual labs provide in-depth self-paced materials that overcome complex infrastructure issues relative to security, network appliances.

Virtual lab-based course ranges from simple user training, configuring and troubleshooting complex network scenarios to advanced topologies. Additionally, various scenarios of complex networking can be customized using cloud-based platform.

Learn Anytime, Anywhere

Another effective way of making sessions more interesting is by allowing the users to customize the training program, as per their own learning phase. All the individuals have different capabilities to grasp and understand the purpose and content of the training session; therefore, they must be allowed to proceed at their own pace.

Virtual labs play a pivotal role in achieving this objective. The information uploaded here can be accessed by every individual, regardless of time and location. So, if some users miss a particular section, they can review it again, anytime, anywhere.

It is quite clear Virtual labs are creating a fascination in training community. The fascination of learners connecting to virtual machines on the cloud, interacting with software without downloading it, and solving real-world problems in a secure virtual environment.

The Hype around Virtual labs is a Reality and it is adding value to training organizations world-wide. To know more contact your nearest Virtual lab provider.

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