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Google launches Datally, a new mobile application. Objective: to reduce your mobile data consumption (internet package). It is compatible with Android smartphones (5+), you can download it on the Play Store.

Know the applications that consume data

The Datally app has three features. It allows you to analyze the consumption of your mobile internet package and to know the most energy-intensive applications in data. You view the data consumed in real time and access daily, weekly and monthly reports.

Activate the "data saver" to limit its consumption

Datally makes it possible to limit the access of certain applications to your mobile data. You will need to enable a VPN (in two clicks) to allow Datally to control your traffic. Then, just choose the applications you want to block.

Access public Wi-Fi networks easily

Datally also makes it easy to access public Wi-Fi networks to save valuable mobile data.
The app will geolocate you and guide you to the nearest open Wi-Fi network. For each Wi-Fi network, it is indicated the method to connect to it (Wi-Fi public, web login, password ...).

Top of new android app
Younes Derfoufi

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