Like Facebook or Twitter, Instagram now exists in Lite!
With just over a billion users in its ranks, Instagram will need imagination to support its crazy growth but also turn to new markets still underutilized: ie countries where mobile coverage is uneven and data plans still expensive. Reason why Instagram has just launched the Lite version of its application.
Like Twitter or Facebook in the past, Instagram will offer a lighter version of its mobile application to appeal to emerging markets. Instagram Lite has appeared without fanfare on the Android Play Store (link in English), and the application is really lightened since it weighs only 573 kilobytes, where the iOS version weighs about 141 megabytes!

In return, some functions are disabled. While it is always possible to publish photos, as well as view and post Stories, it is not possible to publish videos or use internal messaging. If Instagram has confirmed the launch of the Lite version TechCrunch (link in English), the service did not indicate if the unavailability of these functions would be permanent. But for messaging, it's still possible to use the third-party Instagram Direct application.
For now, it seems that Instagram is only available in Mexico, but the application will soon be extended to other countries. Maybe a fallback solution if you start to find Instagram more and more loaded with features not frankly useful.

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