Has made tremendous progress, especially for the management of combination keys
June 24, 2018, by dourouc05, Qt Manager
One of the great contributions for the future of Qt with version 5.11 is the platform extension for Wayland, which is undoubtedly the future of the display for Linux, more and more distributions relegating the X server to second zone. This extension was already available, but made big leaps forward with Qt 5.11.

The dialing keys are now handled, ie the user can use a sequence of several keys to enter a single character, for example `then A for To, ¨ and A for Ä.
Wayland is now integrated into all installers from Qt 5.11 (and possibly Qt Creator 4.7). This does not mean that the extension works perfectly well, it poses a series of problems with gnome-shell for the moment (which justifies its temporary removal of Qt Creator 4.7).
More generally in Qt, it is possible, at the start of the application, to request several platform extensions: if one of them is not available, then the others can be used. Otherwise, by setting the environment variable QT_QPA_PLATFORM to wayland when the Wayland extension was not available, the user was entitled to an unclear error message - now we can set this value to wayland; xcb, for fall back on XCB when Wayland is not available -:

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in ""

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalgl, offscreen, vnc, xcb

Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

High pixel density screens are much better managed in combination with other screens: when the user moves a window from one screen to another, its content automatically adapts to the scale of the screen on which window is displayed.
On the development side too, Qt Wayland has made great progress. In particular, the extension is integrated in the tests and the continuous integration: the defects will be detected much earlier than previously.

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