The creator of the application TikTok confirmed that he was working well on his own smartphone project.

After recently denying the rumor that he was working on the design of his first smartphone, the Chinese publisher ByteDance - the origin of TikTok, this social network popular music with young people - suddenly backpedaled by confirming via a press release that he was developing his own smartphone to showcase his own services.

In China, ByteDance has many applications including DouYin, which took the name of TikTok internationally. And it is of course the explosion of TikTok that has placed him on the front of the stage and allowed him to fill his wallet already well stocked with its services very popular in China. A wallet that ByteDance has recently opened to make a deal with Smartisan, a small smartphone manufacturer that ByteDance has bought several patents.

And it is precisely Smartisan who will take charge of manufacturing this famous smartphone, even if Bytedance indicates that a phone project was already discussed before the deal. The Financial Times had first revealed this scoop, but ByteDance reacted very quickly by reversing the information ... Before reconsidering and confirming that the design of a smartphone was really good. 'agenda.

But contrary to what the first rumors claimed, the smartphone would not necessarily be oriented towards TikTok. The publisher announces that the device would not even have "any connection with TikTok" and that it will be designed "to meet the needs of Smartisan customers". A nice promise, but it seems unlikely that ByteDance is launching in the creation of a smartphone if it is not to pre-install its services. And if that is the case, it is not certain that this famous device is distributed outside the Chinese market.

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