MEDIA Experienced journalists will select relevant articles, but the bulk of the work will be done by algorithms.
Facebook launches in the online press. The social network confirmed this Tuesday the creation of a space "News", which will offer users the main information of the day.
The platform will draw on the experience of professional journalists to select relevant and reliable articles. Other content will be chosen by algorithms, which will determine and target the interests of Internet users according to their activity on the social network.

Provide a "better press experience"
"Our goal [...] is to provide an extremely personalized and thoughtful experience," said Campbell Brown, Partnerships Information Manager for Facebook. "For the" Top News "section of the tab, we bring together a small team of journalists to make sure we highlight the right articles. "
"We're still in the early stages, but we're getting a great return on the product," said Campbell Brown. "I think we can provide Facebook users with a better press experience. "

A priori, Facebook will pay some publishers to obtain a license to use their content. In an interview at the beginning of the year, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he wanted "to be sure, as far as possible, to finance journalism of the highest possible quality".

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