Long opposed to advertising notifications, Apple has just relaxed the rules of its App Store. Fortunately, users retain the right to deactivate them.

For several months, Apple has been regularly accused of violating its own rules. The Californian brand sends promotional notifications to its customers to promote Apple Music, Apple TV + or iCloud, which violates an App Store rule prohibiting the use of notifications for advertising purposes. Rather than reconsider its practices, Apple decided to soften its ban. Developers are now allowed to send advertisements ... if the user agrees.

In its article 4.5.4, Apple explains to developers: "Push notifications should not be used for promotional or direct marketing purposes, unless customers have expressly chosen to receive them through a consent displayed in the user interface of your application, and if you provide a method in your application that allows a user to opt out of receiving such messages. Abuse of these services may result in the revocation of your privileges. " This little subtlety is new and no longer strictly prohibits advertising notifications.
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As noted by our colleagues at iGeneration, Apple has also added new articles to its guidelines. The App Store has enough clairvoyance and dating apps and will only accept those that really stand out from the competition. Localization APIs can also be used to prevent emergencies, which should help people who develop personal assistance applications. Finally, a new rule requires developers to keep their comments concise on the App Store. Responses to a remark must not contain any personal information.

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