Exercise 66

Write a Python algorithm to extract the list of integers from a list of numbers. Example: if

L = [2.5 , 11.54 , 3 , 7.35 , 5 , 6.5 , 9]

, the algorithm returns the list

[3, 5, 9]


def extractInt (L):
# initialization of the integer list
listInt = []

# iterate over the elements of L and extract the integers
for x in L:
if type (x) == int:
listInt.append (x)
return listInt

# Example
L = [2.5, 11.54, 3, 7.35, 5, 6.5, 9]
print (extractInt (L)) # the output is: [3, 5, 9]
Younes Derfoufi

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