The competition between the giants of the Web is fierce. Evidenced by the evolutions and incessant improvements of the different platforms. This time, it's Instagram that would like to increase the duration of its videos from 60 seconds to 60 minutes, according to information from the Wall Street Journal.

The stated goal of Facebook's affiliate is clearly to compete with YouTube, a subsidiary of Google.
Seduce younger generations
Thus, this new feature of Instagram could apply only to videos in vertical format, such as those already in the "stories" but whose maximum duration is only 15 seconds. However, the decision is not recorded by the company, it is for the moment a study. Nobody also knows if the extension of the duration of the videos will concern all the videos or only these "stories".
The stakes are high for Mark Zuckerberg. It's all about seducing younger generations who, according to a poll, now prefer Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube to Facebook. The battle of the Web giants is not over yet ...

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