Exercise 26

Write a Python algorithm that asks the user to enter a string text and return all words beginning with the letter 'a'.


First method:

# Ask the user to enter a string text
s = input("Type a string text : ")
# convert a string s to list
s = s.split()
# fetching all list element that beginning with the letter 'a' 
for x in s:
    if(x[0] == 'a'):
        print("The word : ", x, " begin with the letter 'a'")

Type a string text : Me and you are beginner
The word : 'and' begin with the letter 'a'
The word : 'are' begin with the letter 'a'


  1. The input("..."): is used to prompt the user to enter a string text
  2. s.split(): convert the string s to list of word
  3. for loop: is used to iterate over all word of the string s.
  4. if(x[0] == 'a'): then we test if the word 'x' begin withe the letter 'a'
  5. The print() function: is used to print and display the result.

Second method:

text = input("Enter some text: ")  # Ask the user to enter a text

# Split the text into words and filter out words that don't start with "a"
words = [word for word in text.split() if word.startswith("a")]

# Print the filtered words
print("Words starting with 'a':")
for word in words:


Younes Derfoufi

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