But it was our ambles through the city’s side streets that proved most interesting. With some 2,000 temples spread throughout Jaipur, intimate places of worship and shrines were everywhere; an amble down an innocuous alleyway led to a former mansion now converted into a vast wedding bazaar, its 200 or so shops seemingly all overflowing with bejewelled saris. Food stalls perforated every street and with my guide to hand, I was able to try the city’s best samosas (fresh as could be, exceptionally cheap and impossible to locate without a resident’s assistance), pick up provisions from the ‘pickle man’ who sells 60 to 70 chutneys (sweet mango, jackfruit and ginger varieties among them), and sample the disc-shaped ghevar cake then being made to celebrate a local festival. (For cooling G&Ts after sunset, a recommendation for Bar Palladio proved another winner - inspired by Harry’s Bar in Venice and impeccably finished in a stark white and deep royal blue, it is one of the loveliest drinking dens in Rajasthan.)

Source : www.telegraph.co.uk

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