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A new synergy between Facebook and Instagram has just emerged. This time, it is an option to synchronize Instagram contacts (owned by Facebook) with the Facebook Messenger application. In the latter (English version for the moment), you have to go to the People tab and press the "Connect to Instagram" option.

Only mutual contacts on Instagram are imported, which limits the risk of spam. This synchronization option is not trivial given the popularity of the Instagram Direct mail that brings together 375 million users (source: TechCrunch). It is therefore quite likely that users have the desire to find their Instagram contacts on Messenger.

This rapprochement is a new illustration of the bridges that the two social networks are gradually building, ultimately creating a large ecosystem. Last September Facebook facilitated access to Instagram with the ability to launch the application directly from its mobile interface. In October, it became possible to publish Instagram Stories simultaneously on Facebook.

Younes Derfoufi CRMEF OUJDA

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