HTML Color Picker is a handy color selection tool suitable for designers, graphic designers and programmers who need an easy and quick reference of HTML color using different color modes. It supports different modes with RGB, HSV and HEX values. Use the palette or sliders to select the colors.
With this app, you can easily select and preview the background and foreground colors for use in a web page or logo. Useful when doing experiments to choose a good combination of foreground colors and decide on the matching of background colors. With this application you can quickly edit and display foreground and background colors and see how text and context works together.
You can select text or background and change the colors of the sliders (Red, Green, and Blue) or choose the color from the list of 147 HTML color names. These colors are defined in the HTML and CSS color specification.
In addition you can easily share your color choice with other users.
** If you want to make a suggestion or find a bug, write to me and I will fix it. If you report bugs in a market comment, I can not help you. **