Facebook, Google, Apple, Amazon, LinkedIn are the subject of complaints from La Quadrature du Net, with the CNIL.
 As soon as the RGPD entered into force, La Quadrature du Net did not hesitate to lodge complaints against GAFAM for non-compliance with the new regulations on the protection of personal data. Facebook, Google and Gmail services from Google, Apple but also Amazon and LinkedIn (a Microsoft service) are targeted.

A statement from La Quadrature du Net invites Internet users to join its campaign against GAFAM. These collective complaints have already gathered more than 12,000 citizens in a few weeks. This figure is to report to the 8,400 complaints received for the whole year 2017 by the CNIL (see our recent article on the subject).
But concretely, what does La Quadrature du Net criticize at GAFAM, when the RGPD has only just entered its implementation phase? The workhorse of the representative association of Internet users, it is the way in which the consents of the users are collected. La Quadrature du Net wants to reverse the business model of Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, built on "consent" to deliver its personal data for services.
In fact, the US giants have made a lot of effort to implement the RGPD on time. Microsoft, for example, announces that 1,600 of its engineers have been mobilized for RGPD-related projects. For its part, Facebook announces having worked for 18 months to update its privacy policy. Despite these arguments, La Quadrature du Net considers that it is a "forced consent" to which users of GAFAM services must submit. It is true that checking the box to accept all of their terms of use remains a must on all these sites and services.

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