dedicated and the first model is expected for 2020 .....
Tremble Nvidia and AMD, Intel will walk on your flower beds. The giant Santa Clara, through the voice of its CEO Brian Krzanich, has indeed announced during a conference with analysts that his project dedicated graphics card was under development. It should arrive in 2020. An announcement that was immediately followed by a tweet on the official account of Intel News.

For the pros and the general public?

According to Navin Shenoy (Executive Vice President of the Data Center Group), this GPU made in Intel could be found in both data center solutions (artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning) as well as in "customer" solutions. Understand by that, production machines for professionals or PC gaming.

As a reminder, late last year, Intel debauched Raja Koduri (visible on the tweet), the head of AMD's Radeon Technology Group. Just arrived, it was entrusted with the division on the development of graphics solutions with the mission to advance the embedded graphics circuits within Intel processors and, we now have confirmation, to develop a new GPU.

And Koduri quickly got to work. At a technical conference last February, Intel demonstrated a prototype chip that developers were working on to further enhance the 3D performance of integrated controllers.

We guess pretty easily that Nvidia and AMD will follow with interest Intel's progress in this area. Both, however, still have some time ahead of them, enough to polish their respective weapons and be ready to counterattack if necessary. While waiting for more details on the future Intel solution, let's focus on the present.

Nvidia is expected to announce its new GeForce solutions this year. AMD has recently presented Computex 2018 with an improved architecture - Vega - engraved in 7 nm, which will be embedded in professional graphics cards at first.

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