Apple banned cryptocurrency mining from its mobile application platform.
Hard blow for publishers who monetized their applications by undermining cryptocurrency (often without the knowledge of their users). In its new rules, Apple anticipates that these apps will now be banned from the App Store.
To justify its decision, Apple puts forward technical arguments. The minting cryptocurrency solicits the battery of the iPhone or the iPad more than reason. Without detailing its explanations, the Californian giant has modified paragraph 2.4.2 of its general conditions for publishers. Now third-party apps and ads are no longer allowed to run mining processes in the background.

But experts are already wondering about the real scope of this ban. Cryptocurrency management applications are still allowed. Virtual portfolios and mining applications via a remote server retain their place on the App Store. On the other hand, apps rewarding users with cryptocurrency are prohibited. The nuance is difficult to define, especially as the question arises of the web browser. Hard indeed for Apple to prohibit a website to display the code he wants, including when it is a mining script. This control passes through the web browser and not the App Store ... For publishers, it is a monetization tool that disappears on iOS. This may cause them to pay for their apps. And Apple can then levy his commission of 30%.

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