After earning more than a billion dollars, Tumblr sold for a few million to WordPress
The publisher of WordPress has bought the blogging platform for an estimated amount of just over $ 10 million. The fall in value seems strongly linked to the ban on adult content.
Tumblr is still changing owners. The platform that hosts more than 450 million blogs has been sold by operator Verizon Automattic, the publisher of WordPress, another major player in blogging. If the amount has not been disclosed, it is estimated by the US press between $ 10 and $ 20 million.

Yahoo had paid the high price
This price seems absolutely ridiculous in the yardstick of the one paid by Yahoo in 2013 to acquire the company. At the time, the portal had to spend $ 1.1 billion to get a hold of society, presented at the time as a nugget of the Web.

Except that in the meantime, Verizon banned a usage that was very important on Tumblr: pornography. These adult content did represent an important part of the use of the platform. In particular, it allowed many minority sexualities to express themselves, far from the stereotypes of dominant pornographic sites. A decision that will have certainly been the reason for the success of Tumblr.

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