Exercise 64 

Write a Python function  quotient() which takes two numbers a and b as parameters and which returns the quotient and the remainder of the Euclidean division of a by b without using the operators '//' , '%'


      1 - Creating the function quotient():

      # Creating the function quotient():
      def quotient(a,b):
      q = 1
      if a < b :
      return 0
      while ( b*q < a):
      q = q + 1
      return (q-1 , a - b*(q-1))

      # Testing the function
      print("The quotient and remainder of the Euclidean division of 17 by 3 is (q , r) = ", quotient(17,3))

      2 - Creating the function remainder():

      Younes Derfoufi

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