Exercise 201

  1. Write a program in Python that lists all divisors of a given integer N.
  2. Create a program in Python that which a Tkinter window asking the user to enter an integer N and returns all the divisors of N.


    1. List of divisors of an integer N

    def listDivisors (N):
    # initialization of the list of divisors L = []
    L = []
    # We browse throught the integers: 1 2 3 ... N
    for i in range (1, N + 1):
    # we test if the integer i is a divisor of N and we add it to the list of divisors L
    if N% i == 0:
    L. append (i)
    return L
    # We test the algorithm
    print ("The list of divisors of 18 is :", listDivisors (18))
    # Displays: The list of divisors of 18 is : [1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18]

    2. List of divisors graphically in python tkinter

    from tkinter import *

    # method that performs the action
    def action ():

    # retrieve the value of the edit control
    N = int (entryNumber1.get ())
    lblDivisors ['text'] = 'The divisors of N : '

    # find the divisors s of n by going through all the integers from 1 to n
    for i in range (1, N + 1):
    if ( N%i == 0 ):
    lblDivisors ['text'] = lblDivisors ['text'] + " " + str(i) + " "

    # Creation of the main window
    fen = Tk ()
    fen.geometry ("400x175")

    # input field for the integer N with the associated label
    lblnumber1 = Label (fen, text = "Enter the value of N")
    lblnumber1.place (x = 10, y = 20)
    entryNumber1 = Entry (fen)
    entryNumber1.place (x = 200, y = 20)

    # Label which gets the result
    lblDivisors = Label (fen, text = "The divisors of N : ")
    lblDivisors.place (x = 10, y = 50)

    # validation button
    Validate = Button (fen, text = "Validate", width = 20, command = action)
    Validate.place (x = 200, y = 90)

    fen.mainloop ()

    Younes Derfoufi

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