1. About PySimpleGUI

PySimpleGUI is a Python GUI (Graphical User Interface) framework that aims to provide an easy-to-use, intuitive, and cross-platform way to create desktop applications. It has a simple and concise API that abstracts away the underlying GUI toolkit, allowing you to focus on your application's functionality and design.
One of the key features of PySimpleGUI is its ability to create GUIs with only a few lines of code. Here's an example of a PySimpleGUI program that creates a window with a button and a text input field:

2. Examples of use of PySimpleGUI


import PySimpleGUI as sg

layout = [[sg.Text('Enter some text:')],
          [sg.Button('OK'), sg.Button('Cancel')]]

window = sg.Window('My Window', layout)

while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event == sg.WIN_CLOSED or event == 'Cancel':
    print('You entered:', values[0])


In this example:

  1. the layout variable: defines the structure of the window, which consists of a text label, an input field, and two buttons.
  2. The sg.Window function: creates a new window with the specified layout, and the while loop reads user events and updates the window accordingly.
  3. When the user clicks the "OK" button or closes the window: the loop terminates and the program prints the entered text to the console.

Overall, PySimpleGUI provides a simple and accessible way to create desktop applications, particularly for beginners or those who want to focus on application logic rather than GUI design.

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