Exercise 58

Write a Python algorithm as a function which takes a string s as input and which returns another string obtained from s by replacing the possibly existing parentheses '(' and ')' in the string s with square brackets '[' and ']' without using the replace() method. Example if s = "Python (created by Guido van Rossam) is oriented programming language (oop)." The function must returns: "Python [created by Guido van Rossam] is oriented programming language [oop]"


def replace_parentheses(s):
    result = ''
    for c in s:
        if c == '(':
            result += '['
        elif c == ')':
            result += ']'
            result += c
    return result

s = "Python (created by Guido van Rossam) is oriented programming language (oop)."
result = replace_parentheses(s)
print(result)  # Output: "Python [created by Guido van Rossam] is oriented programming language [oop]."

In this algorithm:
We iterate over every character in the input string s: using a for loop.
Then we build a new string result: by appending characters to it one by one.
If we encounter an opening parenthesis '(': we append a square bracket '[' instead. If we encounter a closing parenthesis ')', we append a square bracket ']' instead.
For all other characters: we just append them as-is.


The output of this replace_parentheses() function is the same as that of the replace() method.


Younes Derfoufi

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