Exercise 80

Write a python algorithm which determines the list of all common words to two text T1 and T2 without repetition.
Example if: T1 = "Python is open source programming language created on 1991" and T2 = "Python is the most popular programming language", the algorithm returns the liste:

['Python', 'is', 'programming', 'language']


def common_words_without_repetition(T1, T2):
    # Convert the texts to lowercase and split into words
    words_T1 = set(T1.lower().split())
    words_T2 = set(T2.lower().split())

    # Find the common words without repetition
    common_words = list(words_T1.intersection(words_T2))

    return common_words

# Example usage:
T1 = "Python is open source programming language created on 1991"
T2 = "Python is the most popular programming language"

result = common_words_without_repetition(T1, T2)
# Output : ['programming', 'language', 'is', 'python']


Younes Derfoufi

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