There's something new with App Engine Standard - the web application design and hosting platform that relies on Google's servers. The information is from Steran Gianini - product manager GCP (Google Cloud Platform). It is now possible to deploy services developed in JavaScript with the free software platform Node.js on App Engine Standard.
Small clarification of the company of Mountain View: it is the version 8 of Node.js - available since June 1, 2017 - which was retained. JavaScript thus extends a list of languages ​​in which one already finds Python, Java, PHP and Go. Google specifies that the proposed Node.js execution environment is in the beta stage. The firm emphasizes, however, that the runtime does not introduce changes to the workflow of developers. For example, the use of existing modules remains subject to the declaration of npm dependencies within a JSON file. In addition, there is no obligation to use DataStore - the non-relational database management service of NoSQL type integrated with GCP. The Google Cloud SQL option (introduced in 2011) remains and allows you to create, configure and use relational databases with App Engine applications.

"We take care of the execution environment for you. You automatically receive updates for Node.js. For you, we also install dependencies in the cloud before deployment to ensure your applications run in secure containers. Connection, introspection, debugging in real time, monitoring, address in HTTPS are so many benefits. We even automate the certificate generation process for default or custom domains, "says one of the runtime maintainers.

The availability of Node.js in Google App Engine Standard follows that of the other edition of the web application hosting and design platform - Google App Engine Flexible. The standard environment enables services that can scale faster than those built with flexible editing.

The sharing between App Engine Standard and Node.js is also in the opposite direction. Google announces the availability of libraries that allow you to use products from its cloud platform within a JavaScript application. These client libraries are direct contributions from them to Node.js, which in any case relies on V8 - the high performance execution engine developed by the Mountain View firm.

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