Following the radical change of the Java roadmap by Oracle, and the passage of the long-term pay support, I wonder what are the impacts of these changes, and whether it is better to migrate or to change language.
Let me explain: the question is not the version change once (even from Java 8 to 11). Just as businesses had to upgrade previous versions of Java, a single version change is not the subject. On the other hand, here is no longer a single change of version: the support of Java 8 becomes paid, and a new version of Java will be released every 6 months, a priori with the paid support of the N-1 version to every time. Thus, in March 2019, Java 12 should come out and the support of Java11 will pay, etc.

For companies that are in Java8, there are several major changes - Java Web Start, Java FX, applets, Java EE, CORBA are removed for example. The cost of these technological changes is far from trivial, and it is feared that other features will be removed, or forced, in future releases.

Suddenly, I ask myself, seriously, the question: should we make these changes, plan to do more in the future, and stall his roadmap on that of Java - with a lag - or must- he consider changing language?

And if we want to change, for which language? Attention, what I mean here is what language could provide the same kind of things, that is to say, be complete, with a "simple" graphic part, etc.

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