Without being the update of the decade, Android 10 brings a few new welcome to our smartphones. Pixels are entitled to it today.
It is the regime that Google launches the new version of Android. For the first time in 10 years, the company is renouncing the names of sweets in favor of more conventional version numbers. So do not call it Android Q ... but Android 10. This update is already available on smartphones Pixel and will arrive little by little at other manufacturers. We know for example that Essential, Nokia and OnePlus should be among the first served.

A new gesture navigation
Let's be clear, the differences between Android (9) Pie and Android 10 are quite limited. At first start, it is also almost impossible to distinguish the slightest change. The options are the first major innovation: Google offers a new alternative to the historical navigation with three buttons and two-button navigation of Android Pie. Strongly inspired by what Apple already offers, the new "navigation by gestures" Android 10 seduces. Close an application by sliding from the bottom to the top. We can quickly switch from one software to another in a simple shift from left to right ... It's already seen, but it's damn effective.

With this change, Google also signs the end of the back button. Iconic of Android for years, the latter is replaced by a slide from the left edge of the screen. It is always possible to find it in the settings but, let's be honest, his days are numbered. The future is gestural.

The dark theme is becoming widespread
iOS 13 will bring it to the iPhone and iPad in a few days ... But the dark theme is also coming to Android with this version 10. To activate from the notification center, it allows to use a black background in all the system and in compatible applications. At night, it is less tiring for the eyes and the owners of smartphones with OLED screen should enjoy a better optimization of energy. What scratch a small hour of additional autonomy?

After several weeks under Android 10, the return to the clear theme is almost painful. There is more than hope that third-party apps quickly become compatible with the dark native theme so that, for example, the dark mode of Android activates that of Facebook Messenger.

Sharing Wi-Fi by QR Code
This is perhaps the most practical novelty of Android 10, the Wi-Fi settings can generate a QR Code to quickly share its Internet connection. By scanning it, your loved ones will automatically join your network without having to insert any password. Small bonus, it also works on iOS.

Better control of the private
Confidentiality is not Google's forte. Faced with an increasingly strong Apple on the subject, Google is reviewing its partition with Android 10. From now on, each application will need a specific authorization for each element of the system it wants to use. Camera, photo library, micro, location etc. It's up to you to give the green light. Notifications appear in the middle of the screen and protect you from malicious applications.

Like on iOS, the user can give an application the ability to use your location "only once". In a GPS application or food control, this can be handy. Once the app is closed, it loses access to your location.

Overall, all privacy settings have been improved in Android 10. We welcome this effort by Google who wants to educate users to be cautious.


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