If there is one sector in which Apple is a little behind the competition, it is the virtual assistants. Although Siri is much older than Google Assistant or Alexa, it must be recognized that it is significantly less powerful. But it seems finally that Apple has decided to improve it, starting by giving it a new voice ... and also a new playground in the form of a new connected speaker.
And it's not really a leak, since the information comes from ... Siri! In fact, just take your iPhone or iPad and ask the questions "What do you know about WWDC" or "What's new at WWDC" so that the assistant will leave a few indiscretions on the next conference developers Apple to be held June 4-8 in San Jose. Siri announces that he will have a new voice, that he will become "even smarter ... surely because he studied late at night" but also that he will have "a new house that shines .. .Finally [...] rather matt and covered with mesh ".
It will be understood, it seems that Apple wants to put Siri forward at the conference, first by announcing the improvement of his AI but also by offering a new voice synthesis, probably not to be in remains with Google who will also use new voices for his Assistant, including that of singer John Legend. Finally, it may well, as many rumors say, that Apple introduces a new speaker that would this time be a response to the Home Mini and Alexa Dot.